Date : 01-07-2024
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The beginning of the activities of the “Kurdish Language, Culture and Folklore” symposium in the graduation projects of the fourth class of the Faculty of Arts.
 The symposium began with a speech by the co-chair of the university, represented by Mrs. Khazna Ibrahim, after which Professor Jalili Jalil gave an opening speech in which he stressed the importance of collecting folklore works. Also, within the framework of working on graduation projects for fourth-year students, a speech was given by the co-chair of the Faculty of Arts, represented by Mr. Akid Nasro.

 After the speeches, the first two graduation projects were presented and evaluated, entitled: “Popular Songs and tales in Kobani” by the student Najah Ibrahim. The second is entitled: “Aesthetics in the book (Kewname) by Ahmed Al-Husseini” by the student Sawsan Sheikh Bakr. In this regard, the importance of scientific and field research methods was emphasized.
 As part of the series of symposium activities, a folklore exhibition was opened by the Popular Research Center under the supervision of Professor: Gandhi Dawood, where the tools and devices inside the exhibition were presented and explained to visitors by the exhibition’s organizing committee. After that, a symposium was held entitled: “Legendary Characters in Kurdish Stories and Legends” by Dr. Luqman Kuldif.
At the end of the program, an artistic segment was presented by "Mala Dengbêjan", where the band sang a variety of popular songs that the audience interacted with. What is new, the series of symposium activities will continue until the third of this month.

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